Saturday, March 17, 2012

Birthdays and Big things

As of yesterday, I turned thirteen. And had an awesomesause party. So, to celebrate, 12 major events in my life, one for each year.(*)=Note: these items occur in the year shown unless otherwise noted. 1. My birth (duh!) 2. I began to read. Nerdy from birth! 3. My earliest memory is from when I was three. It's me clinging to my moms leg, in overalls and a floppy hat. Weird. 4. (*8*) I move into a new room! BIIG upgrade. 5. I am tested in reading (kindergarten) and find that I am a 8th grade level reader. 6. (*10*) I go to Obamas inauguration. Froze to death(nearly), and got some hotpacks for our hands and feet by random strangers. Everyone was nice and polite! There was no pushing and shoving, dispite the packed monorails. 7. I met my bff... So far that acronym still rings true. 8. I rode my first BIG rollercoaster. The Big Bad Wolf hangs you under the track and plunges you toward a lake. I nearly peed my pants and immediately demanded to go on again. 9. I have the best Christmas ever. A scooter, as ton of candy and a DS. 10. My first sleepover! I had one guest! See 7. 11. I learn about the wonders of middle school. 12. I kissed a boy. Enough said. 13. I reach the top of the climbing gym three times during my amazing party.


  1. A small insight to a potentially BIG life.
