Saturday, March 24, 2012

Keeping My Sanity (or what's left of it)

I. Am. Going. More. Insane.
People in this world are SO DANG IGNORANT. I. HATE. IGNORANCE. IT IS DRIVING ME OVER THE EDGE. Marcia, I hope I have permission to go on a political rant here, because I am. I need someplace to do it, and here is good. (You have permission to delete this, but I need to do this. For what's left of my sanity.)
Let's start with our primaries, shall we?
Romney. Jeezum crow, the fact our nation is even considering this makes my blood boil. What has this country COME TO?! There is a reason he is called the flip-flop candidate, and it has nothing to do with the shoe. I'd like to peg him with one, though. Heck, he makes Ron Paul look like the sane one of the bunch. Great God, Paul is the sane one of the bunch!!! And don't get me started on Gingrich and Santorum. Oh, too late. A colony on the moon?! The guy is a moron!!! And, for the love of Aphrodite, do not Google Santorum. But my Goddess, the actual definition is worse than the made-up one!!! I won't repeat.
He. Is. An. Idiot.
Speaks from the heart? Give me a break. He hasn't a clue what's going on, so he makes up things that sound good.
The only reason I'm stopping is because my father is booting me off of the computer.


  1. Huh. I go on a HUGE political rant, and no one comments. Makes me wonder weather or not you guys care.

    1. I whole heartedly agree. One thing you forgot: the massive amounts of homophobia. Good goddes. And then theirs Rick Perry. For the love of my sanity, dont get me started.

    2. You neglected to read the second-to-last sentence. Honestly, the second I get my own blog...

      This could get dangerous.

    3. I still DESPERATELY need my own blog. The journal I started just isn't enough.
