Saturday, March 24, 2012

Keeping My Sanity (or what's left of it)

I. Am. Going. More. Insane.
People in this world are SO DANG IGNORANT. I. HATE. IGNORANCE. IT IS DRIVING ME OVER THE EDGE. Marcia, I hope I have permission to go on a political rant here, because I am. I need someplace to do it, and here is good. (You have permission to delete this, but I need to do this. For what's left of my sanity.)
Let's start with our primaries, shall we?
Romney. Jeezum crow, the fact our nation is even considering this makes my blood boil. What has this country COME TO?! There is a reason he is called the flip-flop candidate, and it has nothing to do with the shoe. I'd like to peg him with one, though. Heck, he makes Ron Paul look like the sane one of the bunch. Great God, Paul is the sane one of the bunch!!! And don't get me started on Gingrich and Santorum. Oh, too late. A colony on the moon?! The guy is a moron!!! And, for the love of Aphrodite, do not Google Santorum. But my Goddess, the actual definition is worse than the made-up one!!! I won't repeat.
He. Is. An. Idiot.
Speaks from the heart? Give me a break. He hasn't a clue what's going on, so he makes up things that sound good.
The only reason I'm stopping is because my father is booting me off of the computer.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Torturous Pop Music, and Less Torturous Day

Hello, Dead Girls. Phoenix here. Save me. I. Am. Dying. (No thanks to you Jessica, it's all your fault!) Well. Marcia, you know Jessica let us operate the camera for the Black Roses music videos? Well, I finally got around to listening to the songs, which I had been putting off for quite some time, and I decided that, for what's left of my own sanity, I will be unable to participate. Yes. You're on your own, girl.
On a happier note, it's a gorgeous day, and I'm typing from my back porch. Yes. Me, ever the nature girl... Anyway. OH! I almost forgot. I already have Jess in on this. I'm planning on submitting a bill to Washington, about the whole palm oil thing. Marcia, if you're rolling your eyes, stop. I know it's getting a bit old, but please understand I don't plan on stopping until I've finished this. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I know why I'm doing it, and for what purpose. So. I need as many people to help as possible, though. If you know anyone who may be interested, please contact them, then contact me. Thank you very much, if you decide to help.If not, um, I'll... Do something painful to you.  Bye!

Birthdays and Big things

As of yesterday, I turned thirteen. And had an awesomesause party. So, to celebrate, 12 major events in my life, one for each year.(*)=Note: these items occur in the year shown unless otherwise noted. 1. My birth (duh!) 2. I began to read. Nerdy from birth! 3. My earliest memory is from when I was three. It's me clinging to my moms leg, in overalls and a floppy hat. Weird. 4. (*8*) I move into a new room! BIIG upgrade. 5. I am tested in reading (kindergarten) and find that I am a 8th grade level reader. 6. (*10*) I go to Obamas inauguration. Froze to death(nearly), and got some hotpacks for our hands and feet by random strangers. Everyone was nice and polite! There was no pushing and shoving, dispite the packed monorails. 7. I met my bff... So far that acronym still rings true. 8. I rode my first BIG rollercoaster. The Big Bad Wolf hangs you under the track and plunges you toward a lake. I nearly peed my pants and immediately demanded to go on again. 9. I have the best Christmas ever. A scooter, as ton of candy and a DS. 10. My first sleepover! I had one guest! See 7. 11. I learn about the wonders of middle school. 12. I kissed a boy. Enough said. 13. I reach the top of the climbing gym three times during my amazing party.

Monday, March 12, 2012


I feel the need to post, but I have no idea what to post about. *sigh* Oh! I got a Google Docs thingie. You guys both have stories up there. Elaine, yours isn't done, Marcia, yours needs editing. Do what you wish. In RED so I know it's you, not me. Elaine, you too. Ugh. Life sucks right now, to be melodramatic...

Saturday, March 3, 2012



My family want to Waterville Valley to go snowboarding and you'll never guess who we saw there.


Our Librarian.

But it was sti- Hello.

I'm sure you're wondering who I am and what happened to that little girl that was just talking to you. I am GLaDOS or the Genetic Life form and Disc Operating System, and I'm talking to you from the Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center. There, we test humans in their puzzle solving skills and what they do in the face of very. real. danger.

The girl looks and acts to much like an old test subject of mine named Chell. I never want to be reminded of a girl who never. ever. gives up.

But I think we my be be able to put our differences behind us.

For science. Bzzzzzzzttttt.

What just happened? Oh my God. No. Way.

This is not a good sign.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Message for Elaine and PORTAL!!!!!

Elaine, be a dear and change the question on your profile. Thanks.


No words can describe how happy I am...


It keeps freezing when I try to go into Portal 2 so I'll have to fix that...

I will not be on the blog from later today until the end of the week because I'm going snowboarding for those of you who don't already know. My butts going to hurt from falling down too much...

Oh well, maybe I'll be a natural.

I can always hope.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hello From Maine!

Hello, Dead Girls! Phoenix, posting from her grandparents home in Maine! Brr... It's c-c-cold up here, and my brother packed for me. Can you guess what he forgot? That's right! Snow pants, and snow jacket. *sigh* I guess I'll see what the thrift store has...


Hey Marcia? Do you think you could be so kind as to make at least the iron-on for a T-shirt for Elaine? Same as the ones we have, unless otherwise requested. You can text her for further details.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Think Positive. EVEN in the Face of Bad News.

Hello ya'll.

If you will all look at my latest post please you will find some shocking news.

SOMEONE (and I'm naming no names here) has been messing with sanctuary business.

 Just go check it out will ya?

Peace out!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

80's Day!

Today was 80's Day, for spirit week. I wore (get this) a black denim vest from, oh, '83, over a white T-shirt, with tight jeans and black riding boots, coming up just below the knees. As jewelry, I wore a '84 high school graduation ring, two silver bangles, and giant mother-of-pearl flower earrings. And makeup, because no 80's costume is complete without it: heavy purple eyeshadow, black mascara and eyeliner, and lots of lipgloss. Now, this is from someone who wore PJs on Formal Day. Told you you'd want to get this.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Me, Preforming Tonight as Me

Hi. And stuff....

I am writing a book (See name of post for tittle). It will be epic.

Because it's about my life.

And you all know how interesting that is.

Monday, February 20, 2012


BIIIIG congratulations to Connor and Zachary Sheehan of Fryburg academy for winning first place in their weight class at the Maine State Wrestling Championships!
So, we went and watched wrestling, then we went and watched a Carbon Leaf concert next door. Late night, but very fun. Go Sheehans!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Message for Elaine

Elaine Moon, I noticed:
1) You haven't posted/commented in a while
2) You haven't set up your profile
If the reason is you don't know how, here's how: Sign in. Click your name, under "About The Dead Girls" or "About The American Sanctuary". Then, once you are on, there should be an orange button with white font, not dissimilar to the "publish" button on posts. Click it. And you should be golden.

Friday, February 17, 2012


So as you might of guessed, yesterday WAS my birthday. Phoenix also decided she was only going to hug me in public for the rest of the day singing: "Ohhhhhhhhh ANTON!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!"

Oh, how I hate her.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


If you haven't noticed, I like that word. I'm tired. I'm reading Cry of the Kalahari by  Mark and Delia Owens. It's a really good book, about a couple who go on a research trip, to the Kalahari desert, and wind up living there for seven years. I just got to the part where they were talking about how lions kill giraffes. It's sad. It gives a detailed description of the hunt, and it's rather pathetic. The giraffe, I mean. The animals are incredible. My favorite is Captain, the black-backed jackal, who steals Mark's shoes on their first night there. It's really amazing, and I'm not even half-way through. I wonder if I can post some pictures?
Yes! That's Pepper, one of the brown hyenas. Wild. Brown. Hyenas. Cool, huh?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I would like to clarify something. No one, not even Marcia is to call me Nixi. That's a water sprite. Phoenix is a firebird. Learn your magical creatures.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A misunderstanding

When Nixi was over at my place, I sent out a series of comments that were on her account because she forgot to log off. Sorry for the inconvenience. She was not having a fight with herself. She's not there yet.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Face

I am at Marcia's house. She is doing something weird with a time turner. I am giving her the face. She is giving me a noogie. Ow. The face is the weird sideways look I give her when she does something really weird. Like chewinmg on a time turner. she's smacking me with aq pony whilee i write this. p3ardon the spelling mistakes.

So yesh.

Yesh, I am insane.

I realize I am not everyone's favorite person right now. But why can't I have some fun while I'm at it?

I have the strangest ringtones on my phone. Don't pick it up. It will kill you. No lie.

And no, the cake is NOT a lie.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Stupid ID pictures! I can't seem to find the right one. If anybody has a good one, please, please, please email it to me! Bunny, too cute, Skulduggery emblem, just not me... *sigh* This Blogosphere thing is harder that I thought!

Rock Night

Tomorrow night is Rock Night! I found a ticket on the ground last time. I could give you a ride, Marcia. If you want to go. Just don't laugh at me. I have all the coordination of a turnip.

Elaine Moon, signing in

Yup. Elaine is in the house! And shes only read up to the faceless ones. I feel so out of it. Like our grand Mage, I will try to retain some maturatiy. Some. Cause I'm just weird. Also, I will correct all grammar mistakes! Enjoy!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Phoenix is Announcing her Presence

Yes! Phoenix Mithrandir, here to wreak havoc! Now that I don't have to uphold that stuffy Grand Mage personality. I'll try to stay mature though. As well as I can.

Hello and things

Hello everyone!

Just to lets you know, only we can post on this one so don't try anything tricky.